Vessev presented its electric hydrofoil boat. Interparus will talk about the new VS-9 and the developing market for passenger foilers.
Premiere of Vessev VS-9 and plans for the future
Vessev is a company specializing in marine technology and sustainable development of the maritime industry. Most recently, the company began cooperation with New Zealand ferry operator Fullers360. The goal of the collaboration was to create an electric hydrofoil ferry.

The nine-metre VS-9 foiler is currently undergoing sea trials in Auckland, New Zealand. Prior to this, the boat passed all the necessary certification, and mass commissioning is planned for the near future.
Eric Laakmann, CEO of Vessev, says: “We are at the very early stages of the global transition to sustainable energy use. There are 33 million ships in the world today, with environmentally friendly ships making up the smallest portion. With significant improvements in efficiency, hydrofoils will play a key role in this once-in-a-generation shift.”

VS-9 with and without roof installed
Thus, it can be concluded that Vessev plans to focus not only on the New Zealand market. The company's plans are extensive. But what can the new product from Vessev offer?
Technical features of VS-9
The main feature of the boat, naturally, is its hydrofoil system. Using flaps and ailerons, the intelligent navigation system can optimize heading and engine use. According to Vessev, the VS-9 was designed using the same technologies as the latest America's Cup foils.

Thanks to the hydrofoil system and optimization of the use of onboard systems, Vessev was able to achieve impressive autonomy results for the VS-9. Thus, the boat is capable of traveling up to 50 nautical miles at a speed of 25 knots without recharging.

The VS-9 can accommodate up to 10 people. According to a company press release, the boat will be used as public transport in New Zealand.
Other foilers and the electric ferry market
In recent years, the use of hydrofoils has become extremely popular, especially against the backdrop of increasing electrification. One of the first companies to loudly declare itself in the field of civilian foilers was Candela. Her boats Candela C-8 (for personal use) and Candela P-12 (electric steam) have become something of a sensation in the marine industry.
Candela P-12

Candela grew from a simple startup, which in a short time not only gained respect and popularity, but also began to make a profit. Ferry Candela P-12 is the closest analogue of VS-9. Structurally, this is the same foiler, only it uses Candela’s patented technologies. P-12 is being tested in Sweden.
Tyde & BMW
After Candela, like a bolt from the blue, another startup appeared - Tyde. Unlike the independent Candela, Tyde surprised everyone with a sudden collaboration with the legendary BMW concern. In 2023, at the Cannes Yachting Festival, Tyde presented a foiler called Icon. A little later, the startup introduced another boat, also a hydrofoil, called Open.

The Open by Tyde & BMW
However, Icon and Open differ from competitors in their focus. Boats from Tyde & BMW occupy a luxury niche that is unlikely to ever become available as public transport.
Market situation
By and large, Candela occupies a dominant position among the three most prominent foil startups. The company has a solid turnover, an established customer base and is steadily updating its product range. On the other hand, Vessev is hot on the heels of Candela, having already launched its electric ferry and conducting active tests on the other side of the globe.
On the third side is Tyde with its luxury foilers. I would like to believe that Tyde & BMW will show something other than two electric ferry models, since the duo is very promising.
So far, the hydrofoil public transport market is just developing. The idea itself is interesting, but I would like to see the real use of electric ferries. In the meantime, all that remains is to watch the lonely Candela P-12 in Stockholm and the Vessev VS-9 in Auckland.
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Fishermen, general gathering! The Interparus team has prepared an issue for you with recommendations for fishing on a yacht. Let's talk about the equipment and our experience. Enjoy watching!
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