"Mega Pulse" is the name of a small device that extends the life of rechargeable batteries and batteries. Michael Bohmann tested this unique device on an old battery for 1 year.
Let the battery live!

Tested by: Michael Bohmann

Three or four times the starter is sluggishly scrolled, then only a quiet click is heard and that's it, the battery life has dried up. Already at the end of summer, a weak charge was felt, and now, after the first cold night of autumn and two weeks of inactivity, the battery ordered to live a long time. Now what?
Call "Yellow Angel" (in Germany, this is the name of the representative of the General German Automobile Club ADAC), which confirms the non-functioning of the battery and charges 120 euros for services. The battery worked properly for six years, but no one waited longer, however. A little later, an engineer called me Klaus Kruger from the firm Novitec... Referring to the article "Powerful Charge" which was published in the journal "Segeln", he told me about a device called "Mega Pulse", with which you can extend the life of any battery or accumulator.
This instrument is a sleek, hand-held, sealed plastic box with a green LED and two short ring-type cables for connecting to a battery-to-battery. This fairly flat (10 x 9.5 x 3 cm) "black box" is simply placed on or next to the battery and secured, for example, with double-sided adhesive tape, and then connected to the corresponding poles. After that "Mega Pulse" ready to fulfill its "healing" and life-prolonging functions.
How does this incredible and promising device work?
In order to answer this question, I would like to make a short excursion into the technical details of electric batteries: during discharge, a chemical-electric reaction with an electrolyte occurs on the battery plates, as a result of which a uniform spongy mass of lead sulfate is formed. If you then charge the battery completely, then the reverse process of the formation of lead sulfate occurs. As a result, the plates are released, and the battery regains the ability to charge. If this does not happen, then the batteries are charged, but not fully, or are in a partially discharged state for a long time, and the plates are not completely freed from lead sulfate. In the battery under these conditions, over time, more or less large crystals are formed, which can no longer be removed by charging.
As for traditional "wet" batteries, here sulfuric acid is becoming less concentrated, this can be measured with a simple densimeter, and, accordingly, the state of charge can be determined - which, by the way, cannot be done with the so-called maintenance-free batteries, except that only with sophisticated electronic devices. Since car or vehicle batteries are usually charged by a generator and conventional standard relays, sulfation occurs over the years as these relays are unable to fully charge the battery. For 80 percent of all batteries, the so-called "Sulfation" means death.
High quality chargers extend battery life
For example, if high quality electronically controlled chargers (IU0U characteristic) are used on the quay, which can always ensure a full charge of the battery-accumulator, then it is possible to prevent the formation of such crystals, and, accordingly, extend the life of the battery. In cars and boats, for reasons of economy, such regulators on generators are still not common, and this is one of the main reasons for the relatively short life of starter batteries.
If you connect to your new battery from the beginning "Mega Pulse", you will immediately prevent the formation of harmful crystals, which is simply explained: “The device has a voltage ripple of 8000 Hz, which is superimposed on high-frequency harmonics, the frequency of which is 3.4 million Hz. This gives rise to the effect of converting sulfation (crystalline lead sulphate) into reactive lead sulphate. "Mega Pulse" dissolves the crystals and transforms them back into an amorphous (shapeless) active mass, thus increasing cold start performance and restoring battery power and cranking characteristics. “It can even be assumed that a good battery-battery when using the Mega Pulse can last from fifteen to twenty years,” says the engineer Klaus Kruger.
"Mega Pulse": non-corrosive and maintenance-free
Even on used or defective batteries, "Mega Pulse" has demonstrated its "healing" ability. This was discovered during tests carried out by the Institute for Industrial Electronics of the Technical University in Vienna. On average, 86 percent of all tested spent batteries recovered their charge by connecting the Mega Pulse to them. By the way, "Mega Pulse" can be constantly connected to a battery-battery, since it consumes only 50 to 150 mA. If the voltage drops below 12.9 V, the device is turned off for safety reasons. We tested the Mega Pulse on a six-year-old conventional starter battery. The battery was not fully charged for many years using a cheap charger (W characteristic) purchased from a general store.
After a one-year period of use of the Mega Pulse device, the battery-battery has a full charge, and, accordingly, the ability to cold start, declared by the manufacturer. It must be admitted that after such a very long "treatment" the battery, at least judging by the measurements, is absolutely ready for use. We also carry out tests on other types of batteries subject to sulfation, the results of which we will definitely write about in our subsequent articles.
PS: Taking into account the results obtained, of course, the question arises why "Mega Pulse" has not become more widespread? I have asked this question to many experts in the battery industry. The answers were, to put it mildly, very restrained, which is not surprising: manufacturers and distributors are not interested in double or even triple life, because this inevitably means a loss of income.
Mega Pulse costs about 70 Euros (prices in Germany). For more detailed information: Novitec, tel. +490 681/99 27 40

Schematic representation of a wet battery cell
Two lead plates are in a container filled with sulfuric acid (electrolyte). The lead-dioxide-coated plate on the right is positively charged, creating a voltage of 2 volts between the two plates. The six battery cells produce about 12 volts.
When both poles of the battery are connected to the consumer, a chemical-electrical reaction begins: the left plate gives up electrons to the electrolyte, which go to the positively charged plate. A current is generated. On the left negatively charged plate, lead ions escape into a solution, which, in combination with sulfate, forms lead sulfate and settles on the plates. When the battery is discharged, sulfuric acid turns into water, and lead sulfate forms on the plates.
During battery charging, the reverse process takes place: sulfuric acid is again formed from water and lead sulfate, and the surface of the plates is fully activated.
Sulfation - "death" for the battery

Picture 1
Picture 1: A six-month battery plate under an electron microscope. In the rough uneven structure of sulfation, rather large crystals are already visible.
Obviously, the battery was not fully charged with a conventional generator or a cheap charger purchased from a hardware store. Gradually, the crystals will continue to grow and, accordingly, reduce the ability to charge, until eventually the battery is unable to start the engine.

Picture 2
In this state, "Mega Pulse" could reverse the sulfation process into the formation of an amorphous mass, as shown in Figure 2: the entire surface of the plates is activated, which leads to the restoration of the full charge of the battery.

Figure 3
Figure 3: Distinctly large crystals formed from the amorphous mass over the years and destroyed the functionality of the battery. Now the battery can be scrapped, since it can no longer be restored due to the fact that no charger can dissolve such crystals. And even in this state "Mega Pulse" able to show its "healing" action.
Annual test report
A conventional starter battery (with a plug for filling with distilled water), after six years of operation, was unable to start the engine. 6 years is what is generally considered the “normal” life for such batteries. The battery was charged mainly by means of a cheap charger (W characteristic) or a standard alternator with a regulator. Since the upper edges of the plates were already dry, we refilled it with water and then attached it to the Mega Pulse.
06.10.2010 Wet Varta battery, manufacturer information stamped on case: 72 Ah capacity, 640 A cold cranking current. These are the maximum cold cranking currents that can be supplied by the battery at -18 ° C (0 ° F) for 30 seconds. In accordance with the norms of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), the total voltage after 30 seconds should be 9 V. Battery condition during measurement: deep discharge with a voltage of 11.10 V, cold start current only 86 A.
07.10.2010 Cold start current: 260 A, 12.87 V, "Mega Pulse" is connected, as shown by the glowing green LED light.
8.10.2010 Cold Cranking Current: 278 A, 13.20 V.
11.11.2010 Cold Cranking Current: 337 A, 13.50 V.
22.01.2011 Cold Cranking Current: 406 A, 12.64 V.
05.03.2011 Cold Cranking Current: 490 A, 13.17 V.
01.04.2011 Charger connected, after 12 hours: cold start current 440 A, 13.15 V, charger connected again, shows full charge. Charger connected to check self-discharge next time.
04.05.2011 Cold cranking current 369 A, 12.66 V. Charging 24 hours: cold cranking current: 373 A, 13.35 V, full charge shown.
21.06.2011 Cold Cranking Current 469 A, 13.02 V. Charger remains connected.
23.06.2011 Cold Cranking Current: 518 A, 12.78 V.
03.07. 2011 Cold Cranking Current: 679 A, 12.78 V, full charge shown. Charger disconnected to check self-discharge.
23.07.2011 Cold start current 638 A, 12.78 V, charge 24 hours.
24.07.2011 Cold start current 660 A, 13.5 V. Charger shows full charge
25.07.2011 Cold start current 702 A (!), 12.85 V. Charger disconnected to check self-discharge.
05.08.2011 Cold Cranking Current 639 A, 12.92 V, Charger Connected: Indicates full charge. The charger is disconnected again.
03.10.2011 Cold start current 636 A, 12.7 V, no self-discharge observed after almost 2 months. End of tests.
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