(24 November 2016 Day 19 18:54 UTC) - Following a damaged steering gear and a decision with his team and partner this morning, Safran skipper Morgan Lagravière has confirmed his retirement from the Vendée Globe.

Morgan Lagravière Safran - Vendee Globe 2016-2017
After contacting his team that afternoon, Morgan explained:
“I had a difficult night with constant problems with the autopilot. I sailed at a speed of 20-25 knots, about 5 times the boat turned sharply, and the movement of the yacht was impossible to control. During a short nap towards noon, I felt that the boat was about to capsize. When I went to the cockpit, I saw that the rudder blade on the leeward side had come out of the mount and two-thirds of it was missing. I think this is the result of a collision with an unidentified floating object. "
“Unfortunately, I don’t have everything I need to repair such damage on the spot, so the race is over for me. But I would like to recall the positive aspects of this adventure: 18 days of incredible race aboard a boat that is exceptionally good on the go, with which I have always been in the lead. This solo race was also an opportunity for me to learn more about myself and what really matters in life. I would like to thank my technical team as well as everyone who supported me. "
Currently Morgan Lagraviere floats towards Cape Town (South Africa), his arrival is scheduled within three days.

Morgan Lagravière Safran - Vendee Globe 2016-2017
Philippe Petitcolin general manager Safran, expressed his support for the young skipper:
“This is a huge disappointment for Morgan, the Safran sailing team, and for all the Safran employees who followed the race with passion. From the very start in Les Sables d'Olonne, duet Morgan - Safran proved to be strong enough to take on the challenge, remaining in the leading group throughout the race. Morgan has shown his competitive spirit and determination to meet Safran's requirements. On behalf of everyone who works in Safran Group, I express our support to him at this difficult moment. "
The list of eliminated from the eighth Vendée Globe at this stage:
November 19 Day 14 - Bertrand de Broc, MACSF, UFO collision
November 22 Day 17 - Vincent Riou, PRB, UFO collision
November 24 Day 19 - Morgan Lagravière, Safran, UFO collision
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