Very soon, the beaches of the Mediterranean will be filled not only with crowds of tourists and yachtsmen, but also with jellyfish. Let's talk about the most important things about these marine inhabitants!
Jellyfish are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and unusual creatures on the planet. Miniature irukandzhi, which are only 25 mm long, or giant 36-meter hairy cyanides - there are thousands of species of jellyfish. Alas, many of them are poisonous to humans.
Especially often, jellyfish “bite” a person in the warm season, when people go to bask on a warm beach. After a “bite” by some types of jellyfish, it is enough to use an anti-inflammatory ointment, but there are cases when you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
What jellyfish are found in the Mediterranean Sea?
The first one will be Aurelia aurita. It is also called the moon or eared jellyfish. This is a translucent jellyfish, which can be found very often throughout almost the entire Mediterranean Sea. Also lives in the Black Sea. It has a saucer-shaped translucent body with short but powerful tentacles. It can also have a different color: from white, almost milky to pale blue. The bite is generally not dangerous, but a slight irritation will still remain.

Rhizostoma pulmo is next in line. Another name is the jellyfish-cornerot. Pretty big jellyfish. It is not fatal to humans, but dermatitis and ulcers can develop due to the bite. Of the features worth noting is a large domed “head” with short pointed tentacles. Coloring can range from pale pink to orange-brown. Can be found from May to August.

Next comes Cotylorhiza tuberculata. It is also often called the Mediterranean jellyfish. Another specimen common in the Mediterranean basin. It has a characteristic mushroom-shaped body with short powerful tentacles. Often, whole colonies come to fishing grounds or tourist beaches, which makes normal human activity more difficult.

Chrysaora hysoscella (compass jellyfish) is not so widely known to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast, but it can be found periodically. It is a potentially dangerous species of jellyfish. “Bite” will not kill, but it is quite capable of leaving a wound that does not heal for a long time.

What to do after a jellyfish sting?
Feelings of a "bite" can be different. Depending on the type of jellyfish, as well as your susceptibility and immunity, the symptoms will differ. The characteristic sensations are as follows: burning and pain at the site of the bite, sometimes an allergic reaction, swelling, redness is possible.

In any case, if you do not know the place where the jellyfish stung you, then consult a doctor as soon as possible, even if it seems that the “bite” is not serious. What you should definitely NOT do:
- do not rub the bite site with a towel, napkins, etc.;
- do not wash the burn area with fresh or salt water;
- do not touch the bite site with bare hands;
- do not urinate on the bite site;
- do not scrape off the remains of the tentacles;
- apply ice or other cold compress;
- apply tourniquets;
- Treat the burn site with alcohol or ammonia.

If you are familiar with the place and type of jellyfish, then it would not hurt to see a doctor, but you can use the following methods to relieve pain:
- carefully remove the remains of the tentacles with tweezers;
- place the burnt place in hot water for 20-45 minutes (the main thing is that the water is not scalding);
- use corticosteroid ointments.
In any case, we recommend visiting a doctor, regardless of your knowledge and experience. We hope that your holiday this year will be without encounters with poisonous jellyfish!
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