Yachtsmen sometimes resort to tricks, for example, buying a boat cheaper and restoring it. Interparus will tell you who this option might be suitable for!
Project boat
Many yachtsmen, especially beginners, have problems buying a yacht. Typically, the younger the yachtsman, the more financial difficulties there may be along the way. When the question of buying your own yacht arises, for some reason a fair number of people look askance at used yachts in the hope of buying a boat and then bringing it to perfection on their own.
In this article We have already talked about the features of choosing used yachts. However, there we did not touch upon one important topic: the desire of the yachtsman to turn the newly acquired yacht into his personal project. This topic is controversial and complex, but we will try to briefly explain to whom a project boat can really bring joy and pleasure, and to whom it is better to continue traveling on a charter and saving up for their own boat.
The money side of the issue
Used yachts, especially those in poor, pre-restoration condition, can be pleasing with their price tags. Such a boat can cost very little money, and a naive yachtsman may get the feeling that he is literally purchasing a golden ticket. We hasten to disappoint you - this ticket is clearly not golden and is unlikely to be happy.
When choosing a yacht you should NOT:
- spend your last money;
- spend unearned money;
- Buying a yacht is more than what you can afford.
That is, the money side of the issue should both sober up and motivate the yachtsman. If the yacht is too cheap, then there is clearly something wrong with it. Indeed, it happens that a yachtsman gets a rare opportunity and finds a real diamond for mere pennies. However, as our experience suggests, this is rather the exception that confirms the rule.
Advice for beginners: don't think about buying a cheap boat and hoping to perfect it yourself. This is a daunting task for many professional sailors. As a result of boat restoration, you will spend much more money and time than buying a new modern yacht or catamaran.
Why is buying a project boat a bad idea?
So, let's assume that money is not an issue for you. Is it worth purchasing a yacht for modification then? However, before you make a decision, you need to understand the following:
- you will spend a LOT of money on restoration and fine-tuning;
- you will spend a LOT of effort and time on restoration and fine-tuning;
- you may NOT like the result.
If this doesn’t scare you, consider a few more arguments against buying an old yacht. Repairing a yacht is a labor-intensive process that you will have to undertake personally or hire craftsmen, which will be an additional expense.
Moreover, as we indicated earlier, this kind of work will take a lot of time. With a high degree of probability, the yacht will stay in dry dock much longer than you will sail on it at sea. That is, if your goal is to buy a boat and go on a cruise, then you will have to wait.
Serious carpentry and engineering skills are also required to repair the hull and other parts of the yacht. Not everyone has these skills.
Our advice: If your goal is to enjoy sailing, charter or consider purchasing a new boat. The imaginary savings when buying an old yacht cannot be recouped by any repairs or restoration.
Why is buying a project boat a good idea?
In order for the repair of an old boat, its restoration and fine-tuning to bring you pleasure, you must meet the following criteria:
- be a fairly experienced yachtsman and understand your expectations from the yacht;
- have enough free time and/or an understanding that the project boat will last for a long time;
- be able to enjoy manual labor and be ready for challenges;
- have enough money to live on, seeing the project boat as an expensive hobby rather than as the only option for going to sea;
- although we have a minimum set of engineering and carpentry skills.
Yes, yacht restoration is a long game. It may take a year, or it may take ten years. A project boat is about patience, finding and correcting your own mistakes. This is a long way, not accessible to every yachtsman. It is associated with the risk of realizing that you have invested a lot of money and did not get the expected result.
However, if for you the process itself is much more important than the final goal, if manual labor and the feeling of unity with your boat are more valuable than all modern conveniences, a project boat will be your choice.
Cases where people without experience, funds or special skills, out of sheer enthusiasm, bring a boat back to life, the place of which was in a landfill, do occur, but they are rare. We encourage you to be inspired by such stories, but at the same time soberly assess your capabilities and skills.
New video on Interparus channel
New video on found channel! Sasha Goron will talk about the Tanna 47, the legendary catamaran from the Fountaine Pajot shipyard. Enjoy watching!🔥
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