Order a boat right under the door? Now it's a reality - thanks to the Alibaba service, you can buy a mini-yacht and get it in the mail! News from Interparus
Internet is the head of everything
For yachtsmen, renting or buying a yacht online has become something of a routine with the advent of COVID. However, you still need to visit your new boat - to come to the shipyard, to the dealer or the previous owner.
What about having the boat delivered right to your door? Now this has become a reality. Recently, a small water jet boat has become available on the Alibaba website, which can be ordered directly from China. And yes, your brand new mini-yacht will come to you in the mail.
A single electric boat, let's be honest, looks a little strange, but it can definitely be one of the best investments. According to the first reviews on the site, a small boat fully pays for all the money spent. A new miracle of technology costs about 10,000 evergreens.
The length of the electric boat is only 1.8 meters. But this is the case when size does not matter - the mini-yacht is capable of speeds up to a fantastic 48 km / h (almost 30 knots)! A 15 kW electric motor is installed on board, which is equivalent to a 20 hp engine.
The engine has a jet drive, which makes it look like a classic jet ski. In order for a small but powerful engine not to overheat, a special water cooling is used.
The body of the new mini-boat is made of ABS plastic and weighs about 35 kilograms. There is little space on board for anything, because almost all available space is occupied by a lithium battery and other necessary equipment. On the “transom” there is a small bathing platform, but it would be more appropriate to call it a step. Its width is only 15 cm.
Battery and management
The battery is lithium and weighs about 22 kilograms - almost like a case. Battery capacity 3.88 kWh. Alas, the operating time leaves much to be desired and is only 30-50 minutes at peak load. Accordingly, if you do not squeeze the maximum out of the baby, you will be able to stretch the pleasure a little longer.
The boat does not have a steering wheel; instead, a directional thrust of a jet nozzle is used. Although the mini-yacht looks like a toy, buyers note that the volume of the engine is not “childish” at all.
The boat has no equal in its price segment, but we must warn you about some points. First, the quality of the product is questionable. Secondly, the advertised price is likely to be an order of magnitude or two higher - the site does not indicate the cost of taxes, customs fees and the total cost of delivery.
In any case, the little thing is very interesting. Once again, we find confirmation that on sites like Aliexpress and Alibaba you can find anything and even a little more.
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