Vikings - the great navigators of antiquity

Thanks to sailing ships, the Vikings managed not only to get to America for the first time, but also to establish ties with Europe. Let's talk about the Vikings and their maritime culture!

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9 lighthouses in Europe that you must visit

Lighthouses have always been covered with a certain veil of romance. They have been accompanying sailors since time immemorial - bright lights have guided, protected and given hope. We have chosen 9 lighthouses in Europe, which you need to look at at least with one eye!

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How has the oceans changed in the last 30 years?

In this article there will be no moralizing reflections that mother nature should be protected. Only dry facts about what trends can be observed after more than 30 years of observation.

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Wonderful world of microyachts and unforgettable adventures

Microyachts are a special kind of yacht that is winning more and more hearts and minds of enthusiasts around the world. We talk about this phenomenon and impressive records

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Bluebottle - the legendary yacht of Prince Philip

Bluebottle is the yacht of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Dragon class boat has undergone a thorough reconstruction and is back in service!

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Recluta - the classic sailing ketch by Hermann Frers

Recluta is a classic sailing ketch that went through an extraordinary path before launching. Interparus goes deep into the history of the classics!

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Three cool racing yachts - from classic to modern

There are many cool yachts in the world - in this article we will talk about three such yachts: the classic Reliance, the iconic Cal40 and the racing Aquitaine Innovations

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Wingsail is a technology that can change everything

In superyacht concepts, you can increasingly see fancy inflatable sails - the wingsail system. Why this technology has the potential to change shipbuilding and how it can be used - read this material from Interparus

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Running Tide - the incredible story of one boat

Once upon a time, Running Tide was one of the most successful racing yachts. After 30 years, one of the original owners bought it out and carried out an amazing reconstruction

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