In 2008-2009, a French family made a big splash in the yachting world. The famous French yachtsman Philippe Poupon with his charming wife, who is 14 years his junior, and 4 children set off on a long voyage towards Greenland and Alaska along an unusually difficult and dangerous route - through the most difficult and mythical Northwest Passage.

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
For any even a very experienced yachtsman, a real sea wolf, this route is really difficult and dangerous, to say nothing of family sailing with small children on board, the youngest of whom are 9 months old (Maryon) and 2 years old (Laura). The oldest girl, Nina, is 12 years old, and the boy, Tituan, is 9.
Even to Philip himself, who has extensive experience in swimming and participating in prestigious races, this idea seems insane, albeit so desirable. Philip was a member of the crew of the famous yachtsman Erica Tabarly, and also took part in the Rum Race, Figaro, Wendy Globe and many others.
Geraldine, being 7 months pregnant, is fired up with this idea, the idea of a joint family transition along a dangerous route and convinces her husband that together they will be able to carry it out safely. The adventurous Geraldine, with some passion and even fanaticism, begins to read books about sea voyages to Alaska, introducing the whole family to this. The family begins to seriously prepare for the voyage.

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
The family journey begins in La Rochelle aboard a 19-meter aluminum monohull boat with the marvelous name "Fleur Australe".
The crew of two adults, four children and a dog embarks on a dangerous adventure in the land of icebergs and severe cold.
During the voyage, the crew constantly loses the dog, which either falls into the water or is accidentally forgotten to pick up during the next stop at the port. It was during this voyage that the already one-year-old Mariyon makes her first steps.
The family sailed for about a year in a boat built by Philippe Poupon and designed by Michel Joubert, which was launched in 2008.
The desperate family, despite many dangers and difficulties on their way, still managed to achieve their cherished goal and reach the shores of Alaska, passing the very difficult Northwest Passage that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
To get a better sense of this exciting and difficult family journey, a few excerpts from the book Geraldine wrote while sailing:
“The radar beeps pulling me out of my restless sleep. I dress up in haste and run to the bridge. The night is bright, and the one who caused the alarm glides over the sea. Bathed in moonlight, an ice monster rises above the water. A bluish iceberg of impressive size is approaching us, and I can feel its breath ... From this moment we do not stop hearing this sound - the crackling of ice throughout our entire voyage ... The iceberg is approaching. His very light bluish flesh seems to tremble. It literally expires afterwards. Large drops flow down from it and with a crash break off and whole pieces fall. It is all in motion, huge, mysterious on the way in an unknown direction ... This is my first iceberg."

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
"Philou (Philip) is already familiar with Antarctica. Over the past 10 years, on his previous 11-meter boat, he went to Antarctica several times ... The polar regions cause some kind of magnetic and spiritual attraction for those who have already tasted them once and are forever connected with them by an irresistible passion. Since then, Phil had the only thought in his head - to return to the pole, rub against the ice, admire the albatrosses soaring majestically in the sky. However, Filu had never been to the Arctic and this idea persistently matured in him - to go to the northern kingdom. Family. "
"Pregnant at 7 months, knowing nothing about navigation, contrary to any logic, I enthusiastically pick up this idea... This is a unique chance to combine love and adventure, this is family life outside the daily routine, this is wind and freedom ... In a word, this is my dream. I've always been attracted to the sea ... and sailors. They are so charming - people of the ocean. "
"Philou and I immersed ourselves in maps and books about the far North. We read stories about travels, shipwrecks, exploits ... It became obvious to me that we must try to pass the mythical Northwest Passage. This passage starts between Canada and Greenland and ends between Alaska and Russia. "

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
"I am excited by this challenge, and Phil, despite the fact that he really wants it, still doubts ...He offers a test sail to test the boat ... I insist. This must be done right now ... This dangerous adventure attracts me with its difficulties. "
"On board, each of the children has their own bed and work desk ... The boat has a large autonomy in terms of fuel - 5000 liters. We have a lifting keel, which will allow us to navigate in shallow waters. We have a sturdy aluminum body that can resist ice. The windows are double-glazed and the hull and deck are padded with neoprene and polyurethane foam. We have a huge first aid kit on board. "
"We sewed special life jackets for younger daughters, since such small sizes simply do not exist. These vests are very difficult to put on for Laura and Maryon. They kick and screech. It makes me face reality, realizing the danger I put my children in. These life jackets are designed in case of a shipwreck and to present my little fairies, daughters in such danger, on the high seas - it breaks my heart, and I feel a rolling nausea. But I tell myself that often danger lies in wait for us not where we expect it. There is never zero risk. "

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
"The first days of crossing the Gascon Strait were a test for us: the children were sick, the wind was icy, the navigation was intense. Plus, none of us are used to being on board. We do not yet have the experience of sailors walking on deck while sailing. Children constantly banged on everything and whimpered. Everything fell to the floor. Glasses were overturned, plates were falling, plasticine intended for children was everywhere, sticking on the deck. "
"5 months at sea changed my kids. They walk confidently across the deck of the swinging boat. Their flexible bodies are used to space, and I no longer hear them hitting. The smallest have forgotten about the toys of civilization and now play only with what can be found on board and with what they have enough imagination. Children became free and a little wild. "
And this is what Geraldine writes at the end of the trip, when the family made their way through the harsh ice and icebergs, and reached Alaska:
"And here we are in Alaska ... Alaska lives on whale fishing. One whale can give 15 tons of meat and 10 tons of fat, feed and warm many people ... "

An incredible family trip along the northwest aisle
"When I feel like I'm reaching my goal, I get bored. I love danger. This dangerous voyage made me addicted. Even Phil is afraid that from now on the usual navigation will become too boring for us ... But I really want to go home, to devote some time to myself. In this voyage I am constantly with children, day and night. We were all very united by this journey, made mature, even children, but I need time for myself: read, watch DVD, meet friends. We are all very tired".
- How to prepare for a sailing trip with your family
- The most beautiful places on the planet to travel by yacht
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