Sailors are famous for their interesting traditions and superstitions. Some of them seem sad, others are funny, others are ridiculous. However, they are all part of a rich maritime folklore.
Read more…Anchoring is an important, responsible and in many ways enjoyable process. We talk about the most important aspects of anchoring in an accessible way.
Read more…Offshore sailing or a day cruise - a true skipper is versatile and ready for any challenge! We decided to give some tips to skippers to make life easier for everyone on board, including the skipper himself.
Read more…Whether you're buying a yacht or chartering as a skipper, it's important to know how to properly inspect your boat so you don't get into trouble. In this article we will talk about what points you should pay attention to when inspecting the boat.
Read more…Interparus gives ten simple tips for a more comfortable life on board! If you have long wanted to move to a yacht and did not know where to start, these tips are for you.
Read more…Sometimes it happens that the maps used for navigation do not always fully reflect the real situation. Given the development of the Internet, it cannot be said that changes to the coastline, for example, are unlikely to come as a surprise, but meticulous yachtsmen should be aware of everything that happens! That is why it will not be superfluous to adopt the experience of our Western colleagues - and, along with conventional maps, also use satellite images!
Read more…Skippering is about more than navigation. Taking care of your crew, your boat and yourself comes first when it comes to life at sea.
Read more…Most newly built boats are already equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) lighting. But if your boat is old enough or you are considering buying a used boat, then the lighting may need to be updated. Interparus will give a couple of simple tips for those who are going to update the lighting.
Read more…Many universities, research centers and scientists need help in researching the oceans. And every yachtsman or sailor can provide all possible assistance and contribute to science!
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